Personally, it's hard for me to see Phil as Carnage.
Yes. Thar be my thoughts.
Nobody who's previously used a symbiote. Maybe Pepper or Steve.
Any other questions? Thanks for your interest.
I love the Avengers roster, will there be any more mainstream characters?
Defenders might have some typical players, but definitely make Carnage someone other than Cletus, maybe even Winter Soldier himself. It could lead to an interesting crossover.
Yes, why is Iron Man now the Monger? Does it have to do with alchoholism? Stane? And is Rhodes' codename a teaser for Apocalypse?
So are Force Works mercenaries?
I think we should try to come up with a plan, so perhaps I can introduce the idea to Artemis.
Absolutely not. That was a mistake, and he's not an admin anyway. It'd probably me, you two, Arty, and perhaps Photon or Ronin. I will confer with Artemis and see if he's even open to the idea, then if he is, we can set something up.
So, you're open to a discussion? That's good, Hermy, I'll see what I can do about that. And you, Omnomnom?
Back on point, this Wiki is failing again. I would like to consider a merger with CR. Anybody got any thoughts on it?
OK, so if it doesn't look right, what do you imagine the final costume design and colors looking like?
So if you have the images you imagine it as, why do you need us?