Marvel Fanfiction Wiki

Marvel Fanfiction Wiki

Welcome to Marvel Fanfiction Wiki!
Welcome to Marvel Fanfiction Wiki, home of Marvel Fanfiction! Here, you can create just about anything related to or about the massive "Marvel Comics" franchise. We actually already have many wiki features, such as Heroes, games, series, and more. In fact, we have 1,268 pages right now! And you can make that number accelerate past the limits! Just remember to follow the rules.

Recent Activity

These are fellow wikians, a user on wikia, making edits, just like you! In fact, if you keep editing, this activity feed will keep flowing!

Contributing and Helping Out

Anybody can write just about anything about anything about MArvel Comics! In fact, here's a nifty button below to use and create your own page! Just type the name of your page, hit the button, and wazam!


Getting Started

Starting out can be difficult. However, don't give up. You can always go to somebody for help and ask them questions such as "What can I do to help?" or "Where can I begin on this wiki?". In fact, there are many different answers to these questions. Panicking about these kinds of questions isn't something you should be fretting about. Go to an admin, or one of these users, and for sure they'll help you! Just leave a message on their wall, a way to communicate with other users, and hopefully they will respond right away! However, if that doesn't work, you can always go to chat, another way of communication, which is accessible through all pages except for this page. Just click the Join the Chat button!

Leaving a message on their wall and joining chat is not your only resort! As long as you follow the instructions, you could go to the forum and write your own question! Your question could be anything that you are confused about on this wiki! Whether it has do it with coding or even if you don't know how to begin your series, you can ask any question and we'll help you answer it, just try to put it on the the correct board.

Do you have a question relating to something that someone made? It could be any type of question that relates to anything on this wiki, whether it's a series or an Pokemon. If you're confused, or just curious, search the forums for threads related to discussion and questions for specific series, found on the Series Discussion and Fan Fiction Discussion Boards.