Marvel Fanfiction Wiki



Valeria is the daughter of Reed and Susan Richards. After her parents and brother died, she was raised by Victor Von Doom. He taught her physics, and engineering. He also tested her I.Q. and together, they learned she was smarter than her father. At the age of thirteen, Victor died trying to save Val. Val cherised the memories of her parents and godfather, and used their knowledge to become a superhero with the codename of Doom. She was currently requested to join Omega' s team of New Avengers.

Powers and Abilities[]

Invisibility: Val has an advanced form of invisibility than her mother. She can make the target's existence entirely invisble, she can make their; heat energy, kinetic energy, bioeletric energy, etc entirely invisible.

Force Field Generation: Also, like how her invisibility is advanced then her mother's, so are her force fields. Her force fields can project out to 10.2 miles, but it requires lots of concetration. She can also generate shock waves, and she can use her force fields like telekinesis, and she can make force field constructs into anything she can imagine.


Suit: Her suit allows her to absorb the impact of an attack, or fall. It also changes color for endangerment, temperatures, and toxic awareness.  (Black for endangerment, red for hot temperature, sky blue for cold temperature, and white for toxins.)
